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Speed painting in your browser

You like to make art? Feeling just bored or maybe inspired? Try our drawing and painting tools using your favorite browser. We provide a set of browser based drawing applications, free and easy to use. Use our tools to create a Speedpainting.

A Speedpaint video shows off the painting process and provides information that may not be visible in the final artwork. Since the rise of digital art in the internet, you can find lots of speedpaint-recordings on YouTube (screen-recordings based on Photoshop and other desktop-software, often along with some music). Explore top-rated Speedpaint videos and watch how an artwork evolved. Or create your own Speedpaint drawing in minutes using one of our free online tools.

SpeedPaint HTML5 based app

Optimized for mobile and desktop devices ...

Lightweight responsive drawing tools designed for the latest mobile devices, tablets and modern desktop browsers. All basic tools like layers, brushes and smudge are available plus, you can use pressure sensivity on your Wacom, Microsoft Surface or IPad Pro with Apple Pencil. On your mobile, you can import photos from your mobile cam. Use gestures to zoom and move the canvas. No plugins required, just use any modern browser.

Multidraw Draw & Chat

Draw with others in real time ...

Chat and draw together with your friends. Includes most features of the HTML5 based app. Create own rooms and protect them with a password. Choose if your room will be available in the public gallery. Copy the URL of your room and send it to your friends using WhatsApp or whatever. Draw with your friends only or join any public room. No registration or login required.

Browse Gallery Edit a SpeedPaint

Explore and variate drawings from today ...

In our gallerys you can watch and edit Speedpaint drawings created by users from all over the world. The gallery shows drawings that have been created during the past 24 hours. To edit any drawing, just click on the thumbnail, edit it in SpeedPaint and post it back to the gallerys.

Browse source Roll your own

Create your own drawing site with Queeky API ...

Plan to bring up your own drawing site? You can use and customize all tools on SpeedPaint.info through Queeky's API. Customization includes use of your own brand and URL where the tools post drawings to (destination URL). There is a small PHP example on GITHUB.